A Chorus Line
Theatrical Trailer of “A Chorus Line”: View on YouTube
Alex’s Schedule (Music Cast)
Friday, Jan. 22nd – 8pm
Saturday, Jan. 23rd – 8pm
Wednesday, Jan. 27th – 8pm
Friday, Jan. 29th – 8pm
Saturday, Jan. 30th – 8pm
Ticket Price: $25 per person
Group Rate: 10% off for groups of 10 or more for the same performance
There are 3 ways to Purchase Tickets!
1. Email us with your ticket orders and provide me with a check made out to Kidz Theater.
2. You can purchase tickets through PayPal directly on the website. Please visit www.kidztheater.org. There will be a $1 online service charge per ticket.
3. Email kidztheater@gmail.com with your ticket orders, including group orders. There will be a $1 online service charge per ticket.
FYI: Last production’s tickets sold out 3 weeks prior to the show opening. Because this show is double cast, and the theater only has about 95 seats, you may want to start purchasing tickets ASAP, especially for opening and closing performances.
Scripts and Scruples
Alex is "Denise" in this online radio soap opera
"Scripts and Scruples."
Listen to her scenes -
Episode 495
Episode 523
Episode 558
Episode 559
You can listen to the entire episodes at www.scriptsandscruples.com
South Pacific
Debuting in the New York area on April 26th on WNET/Thirteen, South Pacific will then be broadcast on PBS stations across the country.
Wonder Showzen
Re-runs on MTV/MTV2
* Season 2 Coming March 31st. CHECK YOUR LOCAL LISTINGS (MTV/MTV2).